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Rev. chil. nutr ; 47(1): 135-140, feb. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1092753


El objetivo de esta revisión fue comparar algunas características nutricionales y de calidad de huevos de tinamou, con huevos de gallina y codorniz. Los huevos de tinamou contienen menos extracto etéreo y proteína en yema, y similar cantidad de proteínas en clara que huevos de gallina y codorniz. La clara del huevo de tinamou contiene más hierro (0,5 mg/100g) que huevos de gallina y codorniz (0,1-0,2 mg/100g). El ácido oleico es el principal ácido graso de la yema de huevos de tinamou, al igual que los otros. El contenido de colesterol en yema de huevo de tinamou (21,2 mg/g) es mayor a los rangos descritos en huevos de gallina (10,9-16,3 mg/g) y codorniz (11,1-15,9 mg/g). El huevo de tinamou tiene un aspecto físico distinto a huevos de gallina y codorniz, la cáscara es de color chocolate oscuro, pesa en promedio 35 g, sus dimensiones son de 50 x 36 mm, y tienen una unidad Haugh inferior a lo registrado para huevos de gallina y codorniz. El huevo de tinamou es una alternativa muy nutritiva como alimento, de características nutricionales similares a huevos de gallina y codorniz, a excepción de su mayor contenido de colesterol en yema y hierro en clara.

The objective of this review was to compare the nutritional characteristics and quality of tinamou eggs. Tinamou eggs have less ether extract and protein in the yolk, they also have a similar quantity of protein in the egg white than hen and quail eggs. The egg white of the tinamou egg has more iron (0,5 mg/100g) compared to hen and quail eggs (0,1-0,2 mg/100g). Oleic acid is the main fatty acid in all three types of eggs. On the other hand, the amount of cholesterol in the tinamou yolk (21,2 mg/g) is higher than the amounts described for hen eggs (10,9-16,3 mg/g) and those of quail (11,1-15,9 mg/g). In terms of the physical characteristics, the tinamou eggshell has a chocolate color, weighs an average of 35g, has a length about 50 x 36 mm and has an inferior Haugh unity than hen and quail eggs. The tinamou egg represents a high nutritive alternative with similar nutritional characteristics compared to hen and quail eggs, with the exception of cholesterol in the yolk and iron in the egg white.

Animals , Food Quality , Palaeognathae , Eggs , Nutritive Value , Chile , Cholesterol/analysis , Oleic Acid/analysis , Fatty Acids/analysis , Iron/analysis
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 48(5): 370-377, 2011.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-687006


Considerando a importância comercial da perdiz (Rhynchotus rufescens), implantaram-se algumas biotecnologias reprodutivas. Trinta animais, provenientes da FCAV-UNESP/Jaboticabal (2007-2008), foram aleatoriamente distribuídos em grupos: controle (sem selênio orgânico) e tratamento (com 0,2 a 0,8 mg de selênio em 1000 kg de ração ). Coletou-se sêmen por excitação manual, que foi aliquotado em pools com 150 μL. Mensuraram-se volume, motilidade, vigor, número de espermatozoides, concentração e morfologia espermáticas. Diluíram-se 20 μl de sêmen em 300 μl de solução fisiológica para testes complementares (Integridade das membranas acrossomal e plasmática). Contaram-se 200 células, por teste, e classificaram-nas: 1) Acrossomo Íntegro: cor lilás e Não-Íntegro: róseo; 2) Células Vivas (não coradas) e Mortas (coradas). Os dados foram analisados pelo SAS, System for Windows. Os resultados dos pools com e sem selênio foram: as variáveis volume, motilidade, vigor, número de espermatozoides, concentração, integridade acrossomal e integridade da membrana plasmática não apresentaram resultados significantes, porém encontrou-se uma menor porcentagem de espermatozoides com peça intermediária fortemente dobrada, nos animais tratados com selênio em relação aos não tratados (1,33 ± 0,53 vs. 3,78 ± 0,69, respectivamente; p = 0.0107). De fato, sabe-se que o selênio tem papel importante na estrutura dos espermatozoides20. A deficiência de selênio está associada com danos na arquitetura da peça intermediária do espermatozóide.

Due to the commercial importance of the red-winged tinamou (Rhynchotus rufescens), for the past few years, the employment of reproductive biotechnologies has been attempted. Thirty animals were randomly assigned into two groups: control group (no selenium) and treatment group (supplemented with 0,2 a 0,8 mg selenium/ 1000 kg ration). Animals were allocated at the FCAV – UNESP/Jaboticabal (2007-2008). Semen collections were performed by digital manipulation and divided in pools of at least 150 μL. After the immediate evaluation of motility, vigour, concentration and morphology, an aliquot of 20 μL was diluted in 300 μL of physiologic solution in order to test acrosome and membrane integrities, which were performed by counting 200 cells for each test. Cells were evaluated as follows: 1) Intact acrosome: lilac acrosome; Non-intact acrosome: pink acrosome; 2) Live cells: non stained; Dead: stained. Data was statistically analysed using the SAS System for Windows. No differences were found between treatment and control groups for volume, motility, vigour, mean number of spermatozoa per animal, concentration, Intact acrosome, Intact membrane. The difference found on midpiece sperm defect (Se = 1,33 ± 0,53 and control = 3,78 ± 0,69, p = 0.0107) may be due to the damages caused by the selenium deficiency to the architecture of the midpiece, which compromises sperm mobility and fertilization capacity.

Animals , Birds/classification , Selenium/chemistry , Semen/metabolism , Reproduction , Semen